Feel free to reach out to learn more about about our Sales Platform or request a Discovery Session.
Secure and Efficient
Retail Sales
Point of Sale Manager, Sales Manager, Customer Relationship Manager, Orders Manager, Logistics Manager, Billing Manager, and much more, all within a unified and reliable interface.
From production and distribution to sales. Say goodbye to fragmented systems and hello to a cohesive solution that streamlines all transactions across your stores, warehouses, and management departments.
It ensures high availability with zero downtimes, creating a secure and efficient work environment. Your sales operations remain seamless, safeguarding both user productivity and customer satisfaction.
cbRetail boasts Netware synchronization, enabling seamless data sharing and updates across your entire network of retail stores. This ensures that your inventory, sales, and customer data are always up to date, improving operational efficiency and reducing errors.
cbRetail provides a stable and high-performance SQL data storage solution. This centralized approach simplifies installation via the Internet and allows for efficient management of your retail chain, including automatic Point of Sale (POS) recovery and streamlined warehouse operations.
cbRetail stands out with its advanced trading system between
stores, rule-based promotional and coupon system. These features empower you to implement sophisticated marketing strategies, optimize sales processes, and enhance the overall shopping experience for your customers.
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Feel free to reach out to learn more about about our Sales Platform or request a Discovery Session.